Title : Discover Falls City Fatma Marrakech : Morocco
link : Discover Falls City Fatma Marrakech : Morocco
Discover Falls City Fatma Marrakech : Morocco
City Fatima
City of Fatima is located at the end of Eureka Valley Road south of the city of Marrakech,, a distance of 45 km from Marrakech almost any hour distance almost complete for frequent stops, especially in the villages of Eureka and the presence of some dangerous turns and most importantly, is a beautiful valley Almtalat,,
Locals clearly began to exploit the arrival of tourists, is divided into two parts Fatima City First, a mud village on the right of the river, while the other part is the other West of the river, q There are many restaurants and cafes, as well as small and difficult roads leading to the mountain, which lead you to explore the seven waterfalls
please watch this video for discover city fatma
City of Fatima is located at the end of Eureka Valley Road south of the city of Marrakech,, a distance of 45 km from Marrakech almost any hour distance almost complete for frequent stops, especially in the villages of Eureka and the presence of some dangerous turns and most importantly, is a beautiful valley Almtalat,,
Locals clearly began to exploit the arrival of tourists, is divided into two parts Fatima City First, a mud village on the right of the river, while the other part is the other West of the river, q There are many restaurants and cafes, as well as small and difficult roads leading to the mountain, which lead you to explore the seven waterfalls
please watch this video for discover city fatma
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